Oct 13, 2024

Brand Building

How Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer trains his own dogs


Psychological Approach to Relationships

Cesar Millan's Dog Psychology Center teaches people to achieve calm, confident, loving relationships through practicing trust, respect, love, connection, communication, and community in a paradise-like environment.

Using the concept of pack dynamics, Millan suggests people should find their natural position and match their energy to the right jobs or activities, rather than forcing themselves into misaligned roles.

Personal Growth and Well-being

Emphasizing self-care and surrender, Millan advocates for a calm, surrender state to achieve the highest level of sensitivity and connection with others.

Millan believes people should focus on happiness, meaning, and purpose in life, rather than worrying about the past or future, with unconditional love being essential for fulfillment.

Animal Behavior and Training

The Halo collar, a wireless fencing system using GPS and satellite technology, allows dogs to roam freely within a set distance, providing peace of mind for owners during activities like beach trips and camping.

Consistently setting boundaries, rules, and limitations for dogs is crucial for teaching them to respect personal space and property, distinguishing between inviting and invading behavior.

Human Behavior and Instincts

Millan suggests that surrendering to instincts is the fastest way to solve problems and move out of negative states like fight or flight.

Escapism through alcohol, drugs, shopping, or work is a common way of avoiding the root causes of unhappiness, unlove, and unliving, which affect the heart, mind, and spirit.


00:00 Cesar Millan emphasizes building trust, respect, and communication to foster calm, confident relationships with dogs in a safe and stimulating environment.

04:07 Cesar Millan, the "Dog Whisperer," emphasizes the importance of trust, respect, and instinctual connection in training dogs, highlighting the need for unconditional love and living in the moment.

10:12 Younger individuals struggle to find their passion due to parental pressure and societal expectations, while puppies are ranked in a pack hierarchy that mirrors these dynamics.

14:24 Understanding pack dynamics and energy matching is key for effective dog training and creating balanced relationships.

20:43 Understanding personal traits aids in selecting the right team, while effective dog training requires daily exercise, clear rules, and proper affection to align with natural order. 23:34 Cesar Millan emphasizes the importance of trust and safety in dog training, using the Halo collar and wireless fencing technology to allow dogs freedom while ensuring their well-being.

27:02 Cesar Millan emphasizes the importance of natural environments for dog training, establishing rules at home, and the ability to train and rehabilitate dogs of any age. Expand

31:53 Consistent training, trust, and clear boundaries foster calmness and happiness in dogs, while positive energy helps overcome negative behaviors in both animals and humans.


00:00 What I wanted people to get from my land was the feeling of safe peace love and the second thing is where you're going to learn about how to achieve calm confident love and joy and create an agreement because if we if people that love animals practice this particular four energies and you practice them with with whatever species. You want you're going to have trust respect and love so to me. I believe there is a formula that you they get that can help you achieve connection communication and relationship. Everybody wants to be connected. Everybody wants to communicate that's that's your ultimate goal. You know what I mean to start stay connected great communication and have trust respect love as an outcome of those who think. I mean we were just sitting back you know chopping it up reminiscing about the good old days and all that you know tracking my roots where I came from and where I'm going hi.I'm caesar milad and you're watching behind the brand with brian elliott. Hey. I'm brian elliott welcome to another edition of behind the brand. I'm here with the incomparable caesar milan caesar welcome back to the show thank you and welcome to the ranch welcome back to the ranch. I hope you're seeing that we're moving forward changing and uh making this place a paradise. It's always great to be out here and it it does feel like a paradise.I feel even though you know we're surrounded by a lot of activity. Here the dogs playing right. It's very peaceful and tranquil and serene. I mean I understand why it's called the dog psychology center but maybe I want to talk a little bit more about about that for people who don't know or maybe bring us up to speed on there's been a lot of development here in the last few years well the concept or the purpose of uh uh in the first place buying a land you know 43 acres was to create a place where people feel safe feel peace feel love as an energy like as soon as you arrive. This is what this piece of land gives you right because the land does talk you know you've got a different place in the world and you get different feelings. So the what I wanted. People to get from my land was the feeling of safe peace love and the second thing is where you're going to learn about how to achieve calm confident love and joy and create an agreement because if we if people that love animals practice this particular four energies and you practice them with with whatever species you want you're gonna have trust respect and love so to me.I believe there is a formula that you they they can help you achieve connection communication and relationship. Everybody wants to be connected. Everybody wants to communicate and if you're a dad that's that's your ultimate goal. You know what I mean to start stay connected great communication and have trust respect love as an outcome of those who think so for me. I needed a place where people can come and and immediately feel the that energy from the land and the energy from from myself and my in the team that I that. I created and then the activities. The activities is a place where that you can practice exercise mental stimulation affection body mind heart right everybody wants to have enough leash experience and you should animals born not wanted to have a tool on them right or a harness a backpack. A leash whatever it is. That's not what they're born wanted to have what they want to have is trust respect love and that is the off-leash experience but if you don't have a place where you can practice. It's the same thing as not having a place where you can practice how to drive a car. You see you need to develop the skills you need to develop the understanding you need to develop the feeling and anybody will benefit with drivers who are calm comfort love and joy you see because that energy creates a safety guidance a safety a member of the of the community so that's the goal of this place you know the last time we talked. You told me how you got this job. You told me how you came to this country jumped the border not being able to speak english you lived.

04:07 I think you told me like you went to am pm about like the dollar hot dog. Refillable drinks big gulp big gulp um greatest and best man of my life. So I can do you know refill yeah. You told me how you um you started walking big packs of dogs and you got discovered. Was it the l.a. Times it wrote l.a. Times yeah late times follow me for three days you know after they saw me on the street said like. It's a mexican guy you know in south central in englewood the walks of packs of dogs of leash yeah. It's incredible rodriguez football german shepherds and and to me that was normal that was just you know coming from mexico. We walked dogs off leash. Our dogs are not purebred but they're all dogs so. It's just the only difference that was for I was walking purebred dogs in america. But I was doing it the same way. I did it in mexico which is amazing. I mean there's there's so much there just there and then then transition you get this shot to to do dog whisper you become the dog whisperer right yeah. You become a proper noun you know you're the dog whispered down. That's right the dog whisperer.The one and only yeah and you have a successful run on tv for years with training and now this you know 40 plus acre ranch and you've had your hard times. Too. You've had uh tragedy and trauma. Yes you have had your share of sand kicked in your face yes betrayal yes um. I wanna know now what are some of the lessons you've learned since we've talked to last and it's been about five years. Yes. I was prepared in a very funny way my my grandparents and my parents prepared me to be with nature. I so I became very successful with nature. It just didn't have the same protocol or the same education of how to maintain trust respect love you know or how to assess and evaluate people. But you know what I mean. It's like. They taught me how to assess and evaluate animals. Therefore I prevented a lot of downs yeah so. I so I would say 99 of my life has been up with animals yeah and with humans. Since I i was in uh todd to see humans as energy right you know.I wasn't taught to uh to uh retain trust respect love. I wasn't taught to set rules by his limitations. You know what I mean. I would start to just to be a good. You know honest integrity loyalty but not to assess and evaluate that from the other person as the other person has it as well and that sort of makes sense to me because um one there's no bad animals right. There's no bad dogs right. Uh two dogs never betray you no they can't um. Only humans can yeah because it's unconsciously you know that what I learned about it is the world don't know that they don't know yeah you know so it's just. We all are a victim of lack of knowledge of the proper knowledge given to us regardless of of uh economical background. So I i don't care if you're poor middle class or super rich. You you should know the same thing you should know how to trust yourself how to respect yourself. How you love yourself. You should know how to do that with others right so your lease can come with your most powerful uh tools which has your instincts.Your spirituality and your and your emotions you know as a father was a a personal relationship. What you want to connect. Is you want to connect with your instincts. You want to connect with your soul. You want to connect to your heart. That's what you want now your mind right. You know what I mean your mind. You just utilize it to convey words or to or to uh or to do surprises yeah. But the connection doesn't come from the mind. The connection comes from your instincts. The connection comes from your spirit.You know happiness. Pursuit of happiness is your spirit. It values meaning and purpose so the values well you value honest entire loyalty that means you live at the higher standards. Right husband and spirit you know and and the meaning is the meaning of life living the moment yeah. You know purpose is pursuit of happiness so once you understand that you come from that what do you want from your father for your kids to live an honest life entire life. Loyola pursuit of happiness live in the moment don't worry about the past don't worry about the future that is a spirituality and then the other part that you wanted to know is unconditional love to self and unconditional love to the family so then you're they're going to expand this. This uh activity of love and then instincts use your use your body but take care of your body yeah you know because that's the one ultimately does the work your body yeah. You know what I mean. I think it's really important what you're saying and I want to unpack it just a little bit. This this idea of unconditional love um because I think animals have this capacity right um and it's instinctual yeah. Uh you know they just want to know their place in the world.What their job is and yeah they want to co-exist maybe be part of operate. Yeah operate be part of your pack um. No cooperate sure you know. I mean like they have this innate desire of cooperation right yeah. It's they're packed members like the pack oriented and to them. It's not about the self. It's about the pack right right you know we we're the only species that go pack itself right. You know so we gotta we gotta take care take time for ourselves yeah that's a luxury and that's a a very human uh activity you can go to singapore. You can go to china by yourself and leave the park behind right that would never happen in a pack of bears on a pack of lions or in a pack of bees yeah that nobody would take a self vacation right yeah and so that self taking care part is. It's a luxury. Only people have money can do it and at the same time it's it's only human so going back to this idea of unconditional and the reason.

10:12 I bring it up is because you know. I know a lot of people maybe it's not specific to age. But I think maybe a lot of younger people maybe in their teens teenagers or 20 somethings. They're trying to figure out where their passion is yeah and maybe. They have a lot of you know interests or things that they want to do. But I think sometimes even you know speaking from a parent's point of view. We have great intentions yes but we sometimes impose conditional love like we say oh you know you should go to law school caesar right or you should become a chef or it's sort of whatever is sort of in the parent's mind. What is the message like maybe to these younger people who are trying to find themselves when they're faced with this pushback. You know it feels maybe conditional um when they're trying to find their passion. How do you find your passion but remember one thing is a about the parents is the parents want ultimately what they want is for the for their kids to do good right for the kids to be successful because we measure um success by money fame and power. So if they tell you be a doctor. They're they're thinking about money they're thinking about power. You know they're talking about prestige which is fame right yeah so in the in the human world.That is a that is a currency yeah. It's a measure yeah and so back in the days in the cape times. Just you know just make sure you're a good warrior. You're a good hunter and you can build the house and you can marry someone that way. You see what I mean so the requirements were very primal yeah. They're still primal but now you gotta pay for it. Now you gotta pay for the house. Now you're paying for the water. You gotta pay for the for the food the school. These schools education was free back in in that time because it was it was not like the animals yeah. You know animals raise themselves and they educate themselves. They don't send their kids to school. Right. Everything is done in their lifestyle yeah.You know what I mean so so that's we need to understand that part because a lot of times parents they don't know the imposing something what they think is. They are helping their kids to make a decision and they would like to make it for them so they can hurry up and focus right you know what I mean because that's you're seeing your kids um many times people parents will say well he's wasting his time because I want to never do that yeah or are you sure that's going to work out. Maybe they want to become an artist or a musician or something and you're afraid because we know statistically that's not yeah because you see it as a failure not not as an experience. You know what I mean and and uh and I mean you can see that you can see uh where when your kids are little uh where where they fit in a pack at the back of the pack at the middle of the pack. At the front of the pack you know and based on where this they fit in the pack and then that's the activities that you can actually encourage to to say. This is something that uh if you if you are not so sporty where where where would you go if you're sporty or high level energy well. This is the sports you see what I mean as a high level energy kids they're more likely to become sorry guys play time they're learning. They're learning the rules and the boundaries and the response okay so so how does someone know where they are in the pack whether they're an adult or you know listen.Let's just let's just from um put them into puppies okay. So people are because a lot of times when people say oh. So that's the back of the pack there's nothing wrong with the back of the pack or matter of the pack from the pack is find you place within the pack yeah. Let me show you. It's always going to be three positions in the pack and watch how they call them so if that if that puppy is the pick of the litter it's only one. The ones who are in the middle of the pack are pet quality and the one who's in back of the of the pack is the run of the litter you see so. Even the breeders will label them as as a position yeah or top middle level who works that's right who who um and uh and uh and a football team you got back at the back guys.

14:24 Many of the bad guys and then you got ronaldo yeah. You got messy yeah. You see it. So even in any team you need the back to middle in the front yeah. At the end of the day. Those three positions are extremely important.The back of the pack are very sensitive. The middle of the pack are happy or lucky. The front of the pack is the direction protection leadership. That's the leadership yeah you know what I mean so there's nothing wrong with that. It's just understanding that they're going to function better if you understand the position in the path yeah. So when so when my clients do not honor the position of the pack they can empower a back of the pack dog to become a front of the pack dog right you see and that is going to make that dog extremely uh stressed because he wasn't born to lead the pack. So he becomes a fear-biter and and what are what was the result of that well the result of that is they become afraid of the dog. They said my dog said my dog doesn't like dogs. My dog doesn't like people okay you know what I mean because he's afraid of people yeah and he has taken upon himself to bite in order for him to follow through yeah with his warnings. So do you think the same thing carries over to people like yeah the same yeah. If you try and put a square peg through a round hole if you try to force someone to law school who's not meant to be a lawyer. We're going to have the same kind of results. Maybe the biting is you know high anxiety or maybe they get in fights or something like that well. It's it's inspired you of your identity yeah. You know what I mean you were born for that position yeah and you can be a pack leader in that position yeah. You know for example a back of the pack dogs. Those are the only dogs who can actually give it to people with seizures. You can't give a middle of the pack dog up front of the back dog to a human with seizures or if a human that has a the sugar goes. Low you need a back of the pack dog to be with a human who has a physical uh biology or like you know in a way. In the animal world. You have a weakness yeah so if you have emotional weakness or you're an emotional person you got a middle of the pack because it makes your happiness go up yeah.So it's almost like a pretty. The inn with the yang right you need to match it properly and so if you want a police dog a dog that is going to go through windows a dog that is going to hear gunshots a dog's. There is going to uh probably fight with a human and then you need a front of the pack. You can't send the back of the pack or middle of the front yeah. Let me know the pack my mind is going into like like matchmaker relationship uh yeah psychology like like who you should be you know a partner with right yeah. I was watching a netflix uh special about this indian matchmaker yeah and they go through astrology and if this person matches the person they're going to marry. It's the same energy so they do it through uh through. Uh. You know the stars and the whole alignment thing yeah for me is is understanding the energy of the human or the energy of the dog. I personally I always speak happy-go-lucky dogs to be part of my pack. I have the knowledge.I don't pick front of the pack or back of the pack from middle. Middle of the back are like happy-go-lucky. So it's very simple just to keep them come surrender and then they go back to happy-go-lucky yeah. Now so are you front of the pack guy yeah yeah yeah yeah well to to be where I am yes you know it's definitely uh. We we're the one the born with the protection and the direction you know what I mean so. We're the one they're going to go and say and um and say. I'm going to create something that doesn't exist yeah. You know what I mean yeah. We're that's that's that's our job yeah. You know protection direction and then the middle of the pack comes and just build this thing you still need the middle yeah you know for me. The middle of of my pack would be the management you know. I'm the visionary. Then you need the management you know and then I actually the labor because I'm end up doing the job. I don't just visualize it. I also do it yeah. You know what I mean so. I play all the roles. I'm a laborer. I'm a visionary. I'm a financer. I'm everything yeah. I've seen you out here trimming the trees and and grooming and you know doing the bushes and but can. I give you uh can. I tell you something that is very uh.I think it would be very helpful for parents because I'm a father right and and I have a 25 year old and a 21 year old and one of the things that I learned from a pack of dogs and and the and the understanding of how important the position of the packs are and what does it mean right so what does it mean to be a back of the pack uh well that means those practice com surrender more often. That's what they're so in tune to earth into anything that happens miles away so when you human go into a back of the pack mentality that means you're in a calm surrender state. You are at your most highest sensitivities so if you want to listen to your kids go in the back of the pack. If you want to make your family laugh go in the middle of the pack if you want to give direction protection go on the front of the pack. So you human can play the three positions yeah. It makes total sense you see what I mean. It's a strength. Each. One of them is a strength so the front of the pack guys can learn from the what the guys were born naturally back of the pack right and the guys naturally back in the pack can learn what the guys in front of the pack you know. I mean remember the uh the movie 300 yeah. Leonidas was yeah so he picks all the guys almost from the back right the guys who couldn't be as close to him they stay behind right but they still play a big role yeah. You understand so you just have to find what position would you play naturally and then start looking for jobs or activities.The match that energy yeah and yeah it sort of all comes together it. It can be applied to you know where you're working who you're working with who. You're in a relationship with and it's sort of got to be custom-made right. So you react based on what you what environment you're in yeah. The japanese believe in blood tests you see. I mean so you don't have to do the blood test.

20:43 You know some people believe in uh horoscopes you know what I mean so people will choose people. I believe the virgos. We are structure beautiful structure clean. We believe in that so yeah so if I'm gonna like open a cleaning thing. I'm gonna ask for it for for virgos you know what. I mean because we're we know that we just see things it has to be beautiful structured and clean. You just give us the tools that you want us to use and then we will clean the whole freeway yeah. It's relatable. You know what I'm saying yeah so so. It's understanding yourself you know that and who you want to work with and there's many different ways to choose people to work with you but to know why your family members behave certainly from an energetic point of view. So two years we were talking off camera. Two years ago we rescued a couple of puppies a brother and a sister. We were just going to get one dog because our two other dogs passed away about six months apart they had cancer. They lived about 14 years. We had a great time with them and now we're on to the next chapter and we saw this little brother and this little sister.Together we couldn't split them up and things are going great. They're like the best dogs ever but one of our fears is you know. We want to take them off leash like we want to take them camping and you've got this solution. The halo collar that might be the answer to my problems yeah that's the answer to many problems because what makes uh people have problems and I say quote-unquote you know problems with dogs is that is the humans are not are now practicing natural simple profound way of being which is exercise every day. Rules boundaries limitations every day and affection you know an affectionate food water shelter cuddling throwing the ball explores affection so and that order is important. I I believe the order is important because you know dogs born with the nose open 15 days later. They opened the ice 21 days later up in the years so there's no size ears so it's not even if I say it. It's just what it is nature. You know what I mean so when that dog meets. Another dog is nose eyes ears so they never change you know the way they meet another dog. You know what I'm saying so so yeah.There is an order and and if you follow the order and then you're going with mother nature so if you if you change the order. Now you're working against mother nature. So you just change the order you know what. I'm saying so so it's three laws in the world is mother. Nature. Law is universe law and men law so when you follow main law with mother nature law. You're going again. You're gonna go against it. You see. I mean if you do the same thing with universe if you go against the universe law and and you want to apply main law. It's not going to happen yeah. This it works in the me. It works in the court system that's men law yeah you know.

23:34 I mean it's created by men not before man. So how does the collar sort of work with the dog's instinct and with the human's instinct and how does it work well. You know the name. The name of the color is the halo color right so so what the whole point is is is for you to understand that trust respect and love is the first halo you put as a father. You want how do you keep your kids protected. You know how do you know where they are how do you know that if they are going to do the right thing that's all of that is knowledge right. How do you make sure that your kids are safe. Peace love that your kids are protected. They have a good direction. Their friends are okay so if you go somewhere they're not going to get hurt all of that happens in your head instinctually yep right so so then you start putting the time of exposing the kids uh teaching the kids uh giving affection to the kids. That's the first halo you do you know what I mean.So we all instinctually know that we want our family to be protected yep that we want to know where our family is at all times and that was the problem when they were just little puppies. They were always trying to escape and so we had to puppy proof the backyard make sure they couldn't scurry through little holes and and so so how does it work well first of all. It's a it's a wireless fencing so think about it. So with this technology you're going to be able to go pretty much anywhere that you are allowed to be with a dog yep and and it's a dream of yours because most people dream to take a dog to the beach or the lake. That's the biggest dream for dog people yeah me which is land and water yeah you're right and camping and that's the ideal american lifestyle is the beach of the lake yeah with your dog. But the reality is millions of dogs. They live in. America has never touched the beach or the lakes because people don't trust them to let them go off leash yeah well. We're afraid that they're gonna maybe damage someone's property or hurt. Someone or you know run away and never come back which it has to do that's right which it has to do with the dog not knowing how to behave in public yeah. So is it like a bluetooth kind of thing or well. It's a wireless. It's a very defensive. It works with a bluetooth and it works with the satellite. So at all times you're going to have coverage you know and and access to uh to make sure that with your phone you can say. I want my dog to be 80 feet away from me yeah you know and you create this everywhere you go like an invisible fence.Is it like a give him a pulse or how does it well. It's different so so in so for that for people to understand how this work it would be ideal for people to go to halo.color.com. So they see all the process that we did how it works how you introduce the color why the color works this way. So the way I want people to think of is is the way the rumba is working for people when you go away the rumba is doing the cleaning for you so it's technology helping you making giving you peace of mind yep right. So that's the same the same approach. I I we did with with the halo. Color is is going to give you a peace of mind uh how how is used so it. So we teach you how you introduce the color. So you understand how all the options you have yeah in order for the dog to understand why he can go 80 feet 20 feet or why he can't touch the kitchen. Since all of that is in the instructions. I gotcha yeah so you're I mean it's back to basics right.

27:02 It's back to boundaries limitations well you know people used to do it with a long line okay so a long line so you have to bring out a hundred feet long line to go to the beach together like that became your first your first fencing yeah in the outdoors yeah. It's a pain though it gets caught on the bushes and it's not truly people friendly. It's not uh uh beach friendly yeah so imagine you know. It's like fisherman's with the robin everybody's crossing each other yeah. You know so it's not practical but everybody uh want to have that experience yeah yeah. It's true.I mean uh we went to yosemite. Last year took the dogs to the water. I mean it was the best just to see them in a natural element and swimming and yeah chasing a squirrel or a deer. But we were able to call them back. You know that was just pure joy just to see them enjoying themselves. I don't know that sounds weird but no but that is that is that is. I mean you're seeing it. Here you know with my dogs here at the ranch and you see how they're all in the open and chasing whatever they want to chase and this is an area where they're not allowed to so if if we go to encino. This behavior is not allowed to so by the smell of the of the place encino. The brain goes into a relaxed state. Now go don't go too far yeah. You see it so just the smell of the place. It tells them how to behave so when they come here when they go to yosemite or when they go to at the beach. Their brain is allowed to go 100 200 feet away yeah.But it's the same behavior as it would be done 20 feet away yeah. So if you see a dog 100 feet away you still behave come happy like you come surrender. You understand yeah and so if a human go and then the dogs look their response has to be come back yeah. So you ask me what's in the what what kind of a connection or communication is in the color. We have whistles we have kisses you know so all of those things uh uh is is already. You're gonna be able to program it in your dog. So if your dog can't hear you you can't whistle. The dog can hear the sound yeah. That's awesome yeah. One of the things. I remember that you taught me last time that stuck with me is and this is great news for everyone yeah who has a dog. You can teach an old dog new tricks yeah.That's that doesn't apply for humans. But it applies for for uh for uh animals for dogs yeah because you know for them to go back to happiness. Is it's never uh an excuse to say not today yeah. Christians are the only ones who who delayed happiness or want to move forward or want to let go yeah or or we're unwilling to learn yeah. New things or unlearn in denial or just stubborn or we have so many excuses yeah. You know what I mean and so so we're the only only only species that you can actually say if the if the human is a little too old. It's going to be less likely. Then you can motivate him inspired to do the right thing yeah and with a dog. I have rehabilitated 11 year old dogs 12 year old dogs as long as the body can go the mind is gonna.It's gonna go yeah because I'm just thinking about what my audience is saying they're saying oh well. My dog is already five years old. You know is the caller gonna help me or. I have a brand. New puppy is going to help me and so I would guess that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter and and the thing is you should start at home. So you should you should learn first to take over of the rules boundaries limitations at home. It's I think it's important that your dog learn for example uh the difference between inviting versus invading what does that mean so if your dog goes to the kitchen by him. Following his nose or her nose he is invading yeah if you got a pizza on the counter. He's no he's listening to his nose yeah right. So if he gets the closer he gets to target the more his brain will do this right but if his brain is is not allowed to come near the brain will stay this way right. So then he will learn that a piece of an encounter is not to be touched yeah. That's what you want because then eventually america has thanksgivings. America has other hot fourth of july yeah cinco de mayo cinco de mayo exactly. America celebrates secret money more than mexico you know and so all of those festivities the dogs have to see it as inviting versus invading yeah you know what I mean so. I shouldn't go in the kitchen unless the human invites me and that to them gives them a sense of direction how to behave so. They should wear the collar inside outside everywhere well. The reason why you you're putting something on a dog is because you're connecting to what dogs naturally do.

31:53 My goal is for you to utilize anything to reconnect to do it because they understand what you want and because you're very consistent on the activities that you expect for them. I see you see to be a good football player. A good basketball player. They have to repeat that and the coach has to stay within a certain energy and repeat the same behavior over and over and over to master the behavior right of winning a super bowl right you understand. So it's a repetitions but it goes together with the energy so at one point you don't need it you understand you don't need it. The only reason why you need tools is because the desk connection happened yeah plus and a plus a leash is a leash law in america. So so some tools you needed because it's a leash law yeah. You know and the other one is because you broke the law yeah so the one I invented. This time is is because people unconsciously broke the law yeah well. I would also think it would give someone like me peace of mind that if I have my dogs in the you know camping or something yeah. I have a way to get them back. In case you know something happens. They chase the deer off into the woods or something well more than any but first of all if that ever happens. Uh you will know exactly where they are no matter. That's that's the the gps right yeah. But but at the same time with the halo is is they're not going to be able to go away from the 20 feet or 30 feet or 40 feet that you request it yeah. You know no matter what's in front. What's in the other side of the 40 feet yeah and and that is self-control yeah you know so so. If you ask hunters you know a hunter.It tells the dog when to go for the duck or for the deer or for whatever they're hunting right. So in the meantime the dog the dog can see an elephant passing by and he will not move towards it right so he would say no to this specific specie. I want to to to to track it right. You see what I'm saying so so then you can tell the dog to go and track something but you can also tell the dog not to go yeah so hunters who are working with the highest level of instincts because as hunting and a dog as a predator that's the ultimate ultimate being a dog. They can actually shows you that if you tell the dog not to move towards whatever is in front of them is is absolutely not naturally normal and it's not about control. It's about connection. It's about communication yeah. The control is the dog trust and respect and love that person that we call hunter so for me is is to achieve that to achieve the control or understand how to correct control the nose the eyes the ears especially when they're in front of of something that you might call squirrel deer uh whatever it is yeah. What you what you have to pay attention is can. I control those eyes ears yeah. It's not about the dog chasing. It's about the dog not paying attention to the smell the side of the sound yeah. If you control that the dog the dog will look at it. The dog will look at it at the animal in front just like you watch netflix. You don't move you just watch. It you see it. So then you can go to yosemite or any place and your dog will look at a family a bear a family of whatever it is in front. It won't chase it yeah. You see it oh.Because the rules the boundaries and the limitations or the understanding that is requested by you is is puts them in this halo yeah. So let's wrap this up and go back to my original question which was you know in the last you know five years you've been you've been through it yeah and uh and here you are sort of reinventing yourself again. Yes yes you're back on tv you know like the phoenix rises again every time yes so so what have you learned and and more importantly. What can you tell my audience. Who's also in the struggle by right. We're all in the struggle. We all work on progress. We all work in progress. We we all receive pretty much the same information. We don't receive the right information the right formula so at one point we're by going through challenges in our life. We're going to learn how to uh give ourselves the proper direction.The pro we have to protect ourselves so you learn uh in you know in in through life how to deal with unwanted situations. But the most important part is the the quicker. You learn to do to come to become calm surrender for fight for anything that makes you go into a fight flight or avoidance. The quicker you get to account surrender. The faster you solve the problem yeah. You know what I mean so so call it spiritual because if you if you go to india you're going to learn to become surrendered. If you go to peru and do ayahuasca you're going to learn to to become camp surrender. So so no matter what you do in life if you want to get out of the funk. If you want to get out of the downs the quicker you do come surrender the faster you get out and then you go into happy-go-lucky and then you're going to count confident. He said just know that your animal will take you out as well. So don't forget that you also have access to the animal inside of you. Your instincts is your animal. You can use your spirit. Some people use the spirituality to get out. But it's the same thing people in spirituality talk about calm surrender but at the end of the day the animal and you have to do it because that's the one that carries the body. The spirit is inside this body and the heart is inside this body and the mind is inside this body. So at the end of the day if you if you can control the animal in you your instincts you're going to utilize what ultimately does the work you got to take care of your liver. You have to take care of your heart right so all that is health. So if you practice the stress you're going to end up hurting the animal and you so how do you remove the downs. The faster you master come surrender happier lucky and calm confident the faster. You get out of the funk so that's what that's what animals have taught me because they go right away to come surrender yeah and they go right away to happy-go-lucky and they will go right away to confidence. They go. They build themselves back up.We have a tendency to stay too long in the hall. You see. They don't spend too too long in the hall they don't live. In the past. There is a a bad situation to happen but they don't stay there. We stay there. Not only we stay there we teach it. He said we teach we pass it. On. We pass it on. We pass it on we pas we pass bad habits of misunderstanding to the next generation racism is a perfect example how we pass wrong information to the next generation. Now that I do it. But I experience it absolutely you know or baggage. We maybe have baggage from our life. We pass it on do you see yeah you pass on money and you pass on trash yeah.You know what I mean you've asked it as as poison yeah. You know so so just under is understand that uh the faster you understand the concept of come surrender happy-go-lucky come confident. The faster you can use it because the animal has the ultimate power if you don't do it that way you're going to end up in five flight avoidance. So if your energy is is not comfortable in the happy go like a cam confident. You're still going to go back to fight flight avoidance. You see what I mean because the animals say you're giving me the wrong energy so with the wrong energy. I can only do five flight avoidance yeah and and that manifests itself probably everywhere with you know escaping into alcohol or drugs or shopping or work. There's a lot of escapism you can blame. Numbing ourselves yourself that's right so so instead of really getting going inside internalizing and really say why. I'm not happy why. I'm not loving why I'm not living. Those are the three things you have to pay attention right away. Living is your animal happy is your spirit and why I'm not loving is your heart. Your mind is is there to pay to to listen to what makes you happy to what makes you love and to what makes you live. That's what your mind is for but if you think there is money framing power and then the other three will not be part of that because as an animal you should be happy just by living you should be happy because your family is there you should be happy because you just ate or drink water because animals celebrate all of that the family. The life and the activities. So it's no day that these guys don't celebrate life to the fullest. You have seen people not celebrating life for months for weeks for years because they're waiting for them for the perfect moment and that perfect moment is right now today. All the time.