Oct 13, 2024

Success Stories

How I Built A $1M Business From This Starbucks


Deep Work and Productivity

Commit to 2 hours of daily deep work, even at unconventional times like 6:00 AM, to achieve flow state and make effortless progress in building your business.

Use visualizations and self-contracts to overcome self-doubt and maintain focus, such as committing to a 2-hour work session at a specific location like Starbucks.

Business Validation and Research

Validate your business idea by studying successful case studies on platforms like Starter Story, identifying similarities to your concept, and sharing your findings through a blog or newsletter.

Monetization Strategies

Focus on sponsored content and affiliate marketing for monetization, as exemplified by the author's $112,000 sponsorship from Clavio and additional affiliate revenue.

Building Momentum and Audience

Launch your idea with minimal content, then consistently publish and share progress publicly to build an audience, as demonstrated by the author's growth from a few hundred visitors to a newsletter with 100 subscribers in a few months.


00:00 Started a million dollar business in Starbucks while working a 9 to 5 job, overcame self-doubt, and pursued dream of starting own business.

01:30 Research successful businesses, write about findings on a blog, and share with others who want to learn.

02:06 Every day, the speaker walks by a Starbucks, telling themselves they'll start working on an idea, but never do until they read a book on focus and make a contract with themselves to go to Starbucks and work.

03:21 Consistent daily deep work at Starbucks led to building a $1M business.

04:07 After 6 months, the speaker's business starts to gain traction and they begin to monetize it through sponsorships and affiliate revenue.

05:26 Reading case studies on successful online businesses led to a sponsorship deal that turned a struggling business into a $1M success.

06:43 Getting a large sum of money made the speaker question whether to keep their job or go all in on their business.

07:52 I quit my job, built a million-dollar business from Starbucks, and made money through affiliate deals.


00:00 All right what's your story 6 years ago. I started a business today that business makes over a million dollar a year. But what nobody knows is that I built it inside of a Starbucks. At the time I was working a full-time job. I'm still working my 9 to-5 job right here and that left me with only 2 hours a day to build the business of my dreams. But there was still one problem I was suffocated by self-doubt. I didn't believe I could do it. Then I found something that would change my life forever. Today I'm going to tell you that story. I'm Pat walls and this is my starter story all right. This is me in the summer of 2017. I'm 26 years old I've got a great job. I'm making six figures in New York City and by all accounts living the life of my dreams but deep down. I know that something isn't right. Every day I go to work and do the same same clock in a few Zoom meetings eat lunch write a few lines of code and clock out. This work leaves me feeling empty every day. I know this isn't what I meant to do. I know there's something missing. See here's the truth and it might be something you felt at some point too secretly in the back of my head I dream about the idea of quitting my job and starting my own business in my free time. I'm reading business books and romanticizing about being able to wake up and work on whatever I want.

01:30 But I keep running into the same problem. I have no idea where to start how do I find a good idea. How do I know it can make money. How do I take the first step I couldn't find this information anywhere online and that's when I had my light bulb. Moment I can turn these questions into a product. I'll just research successful businesses write about my findings on a Blog and share them with others who also want to learn and I didn't think this was going to be a big thing. I was just genuinely interested in this stuff. So this is is the beginning of the idea but it's not all peaches and cream. From there.

02:06 This idea it nags at me for months every single day. I tell myself I'll get started on it. But I never do and this is where Starbucks comes into play so let me pull up a map and show you. This is New York City. This is where I live this is where I work and this is the Starbucks. Every day I walk home from work and I walk by the Starbucks and every day I tell myself. I'll stop in there order. A drink sit down and get started on this idea but every single day I walk by that Starbucks take one hard look at it proceed to not go inside walk home and watch 6 hours of Netflix and then go to bed and I do this every day for months. This Starbucks it represents the unknown and it's too scary for me to confront it but everything changes when I come across this book. It's called deep work by Cal Newport and deep work is a state of focus that you must learn if you want to do hard things. After reading this book I realize that I'm completely lacking Focus so I put together a contract with myself. In this contract I write down and I visualize tomorrow. I'm going to walk in that Starbucks. I'm going to order a coffee. I'm going to sit down.

03:21 I'm going to set a timer for 2 hours and I'm going to just focus. That's the contract. The next day day. One I walk in that Starbucks I sit down. I set my timer and I get started all of a sudden. The timer goes off. I look up and think holy that was 2 hours that flew by I was in Flow. State. I was actually doing deep work day. Two I walk into Starbucks and do it again and day three I do it again. And I don't stop every single day. I get off work walk into that Starbucks and do my 2 hours of deep work I even start waking up at 6:00 in the morning and getting my deepor in before my full-time job even starts I'm doing it every day and it feels effortless in the progress.

04:07 It starts to happen after 1 month I've come up with a name and concept for my idea. I'm going to call it starter story and I land the domain starterstory.com for $12. A year. I launch it with a few stories and a few hundred people visit the website. After 2 months I've published dozens of stories and I'm starting to find a routine. The business isn't making any money but I'm starting to build a tiny audience. I then start a newsletter and get my first 100 subscribers. After 4 months I start working on marketing and I get my first big break. One of my stories goes viral on Reddit and thousands of people crash my site and join the newsletter. Now. I'm starting to feel like my idea is validated. After 6 months. I start thinking about monetization and how I can make my first. Dollar I monetize the newsletter with a sponsorship and I start making some money from affiliate Revenue. Now I'm starting to feel more confident like I actually kind of get how this stuff works and and I'm having fun in the process. So this whole thing starts out as a project that I didn't really expect would go anywhere. But then it gets traction and now I'm left with a new problem. I need to figure out how this thing can make money but everything on the internet is about how VC backed. Tech. Giants raised $100 million when I just want to figure out how I can go from $0 a month to5 or $10,000.

05:26 A month. How do I figure this out by reading case studies about businesses that that are just a few steps ahead of me and that's what starter story is we have over 4,000 case studies and business breakdowns on successful online businesses that were started by people like you and me. In these case studies you can see exactly how much these businesses make and exactly how they got started so if you're curious on what it takes to build a business to5 or $10,000 a month or even a million doll online business check out starterstory.com or click the first link. In the description. We're running a special right now for the YouTube family. So how does this turn into a business well. I'm reading case studies about businesses similar to mine and I realize that most of them make their money through sponsorships. Then something amazing happens. I get an email. It's from the CEO of a company called clavio. They're a huge company now but at the time they were smaller. The email says hi Pat I love starter story and what you're doing both the stories and sharing your progress keep crushing it AB. It's a nice email to get but I don't really think too much of it. But as the conversation goes on. We start to talk about the potential of clavio sponsoring the newsletter and then he comes to me with a number $112,000. When I see this I don't believe it at the time I was basically living paycheck to paycheck.

06:43 So $122,000 was more money than I'd ever seen in my life. I send in my bank details and sure enough a few days later. The money hits my account. I get the notification while I'm at Starbucks and my heart starts beating out of my chest. I get up leave the Starbucks and just take a walk around the block. My head is swirling with emotions. This is crazy I got $112,000 deposited into my bank account because of something that I built I felt like I had just become a millionaire all those days of waking up at 6:00 in the morning going to Starbucks and putting in those 2 hours of deep work. This money was the direct result of that I felt like I was on top of the world but these emotions of excitement of bliss. It quickly turned to fear. I thought was this email some sort of accident did I just get lucky this $122,000. It represented a decision that I had to make in my life should I keep playing it safe and keep my full-time job or was this $112,000 validation that I should go all in on one side. The devil on my shoulder was saying go all in and the angel was saying no keep playing it safe and I sat on the fence for months. But then I remembered why I started this thing.

07:52 In the first place I wanted to build something for myself and not someone else's dream. I realized that if I don't make this decision right now I might never do it. I might get old look back and wonder what if and that was the moment that I walked into work and I handed in my resignation. I quit my job decided to go all in on starter story and the rest is history all right fast forward 5 years and that was the last time I had a regular job. The last time I ever got a paycheck. After that I never looked back. I never stopped building and I ended up building starter story into a million-dollar business. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that it was all easy or predictable. From there I failed a ton but when I look back the most important thing that I did was just going inside that Starbucks getting to work and taking action every single day. I was giving myself a chance to become lucky and it took me a few months to get there. But when it did when that email came through when that $12,000 came through I decided to go all in after that and that is really what made the difference. That's the story of how I built a million our business from inside of Starbucks and I would like to thank Starbucks for sponsoring this video. Just kidding good. We're making money through a couple affiliate deals and a few we're making I'm making money through some affiliate marketing ah bro what the man get the hell out of here. I'm taking a DB.