Ulta Beauty
Ulta Beauty is a leading beauty retailer offering a range of cosmetics, skincare, and fragrances, utilizing the features of Unblocked Brands to update promotions and engage customers. They frequently use app-exclusive notifications to drive engagement with special offers, emphasizing the definition of exclusivity.
The notification teases an app-exclusive Clinique offer, using intrigue to entice users to click and explore, highlighting exclusivity in business and branding.
Content: The notification teases an app-exclusive Clinique offer, using intrigue to entice users to click and explore.
Copy: Friendly and playful, featuring an emoji to add personality. The word "Tap" adds urgency and encourages immediate action.
Use exclusivity to make users feel special, leveraging the psychological impact of exclusivity in branding.
Keep copy playful but concise to drive clicks.
Emojis can add a fun, personal touch without cluttering the message. For more insights into optimizing digital engagement, check out the Unblocked Brands blog.